Seeking assistance with implementing Styles using the .css() function in Jquery. Any guidance is appreciated

This particular style is exactly what I am looking for.

      background: url("img/Background_Home.jpg") no-repeat center center fixed;
                        -webkit-background-size: cover;
                        -moz-background-size: cover;
                        -o-background-size: cover;
                        background-size: cover;


Here is my attempt...

 function update_background(image){
            $('body').css({"background":"no-repeat center center fixed"});


Outcome: The background image does not appear (although it works with just the first line).

I believe the issue may be in the second line?

Answer №1

Changing the background image with a function can result in overriding previous settings. It is possible to combine different commands for an enhanced effect.

function change_background(image){
        $('body').css({"background":"url(img/"+image+".jpg) no-repeat center center fixed"});

Answer №2

Why haven't you already solved this in just three simple answers?

    "background": "url(img/"+imagen+".jpg) no-repeat center center fixed",
    "-webkit-background-size": "cover",
    "-moz-background-size": "cover",
    "-o-background-size": "cover",
    "background-size": "cover"

Have you considered trying this instead:

.myClass {
    background: url("img/Background_Home.jpg") no-repeat center center fixed;
    -webkit-background-size: cover;
    -moz-background-size: cover;
    -o-background-size: cover;
    background-size: cover;

by using:



Answer №3

Here are some steps you can take:

function changeBackground(image){
        $('body').css("background", "url(img/"+image+".jpg) no-repeat center center fixed");

Answer №4

The second background declaration is taking precedence over the result of the first line - it's important to combine them both. It would be wise to merge all of the CSS declarations into a single JSON map:

function update_background(image){
       { "background":"url(img/" + image + ".jpg) no-repeat center center fixed",
         "background-size":"cover" }

Answer №5

To enhance the aesthetic appeal, I will implement distinctive background attributes:

function update_background(image){
                           "background-position":"center center",

You may be replacing the background settings in the second line of your 'update_background' function.

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