The Kenburn zoom image effect fails to function

I want to implement a zoom effect on an image using the Ken Burns effect when it is clicked. However, the code I have written does not seem to be working as expected.

Here is the code snippet:

$(document).ready(function () {

$('.kenburns').on('click', function () {


Check out this JSFiddle for more information

Answer №1

There are a few issues with your jQuery code:

Firstly, make sure to use addClass instead of addclass. Javascript is case-sensitive.

Secondly, the selector $('.kenburns') targets the parent div, not the image itself. You should target the image specifically in order to apply the CSS transform correctly. Use this selector instead:

$('.kenburns img')

Alternatively, for better performance, you can also use


Lastly, when using addClass, remember to pass the CSS class name ("zoom") as an argument, not the CSS selector ("img.zoom").

Here is the corrected code:

$(document).ready(function () {
    $('.kenburns').on('click', function () {
        $('.kenburns img').addClass('zoom');

View the working example on JSFiddle

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