Creating a see-through effect for dijit.Dialog as it appears

Utilizing the dijit.Dialog library, I have implemented a Dojo Dialog box that appears on a Rowclick event of a Dojo grid. I am looking to make the Dialog box transparent or reduce its opacity so that the background is visible and it looks visually appealing. The Dialog box is a simple

<div> with data-dojo-type="dijit.Dialog"

Here is the code snippet:

<div id="terms" name ="hi" data-dojo-type="dijit.Dialog" style="height:580px;width:900px;" data-dojo-props="title:'Control Activities'" preload="true">
<center><p><strong>EDIT AN ACTIVITY </strong></p></center>
<tr style="height: 50px">
<td style="width: 150px" align="right"><b>ASSIGNED BY : &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp</b></td>
<td style="width: 600px" align="left"><div id="plets"><input dojoType="dijit.form.ValidationTextBox" id="dassignedbyid" name="dassignedbyname"  onfocus="hello()" required="true"></div>
<span dojoType="dijit.Tooltip" connectId="dassignedbyid">Enter Name</span></td>
<td style="width: 150px" align="right"><b>ASSIGNED TO : &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp</b></td>
<td style="width: 600px" align="left"><div id="plets1"><input dojoType="dijit.form.ValidationTextBox" id="dassignedtoid" name="dassignedtoname" onfocus="hello()" required="true"></div>
<span dojoType="dijit.Tooltip" connectId="dassignedtoid">Enter Name</span></td></tr>

The Dialog box id= terms is triggered by this code:

dojo.connect(grid, "onRowClick", grid, function(){
        var items = grid.selection.getSelected();
        dojo.forEach(items, function(item){

            var v =, "ActID");
            function showDialog(){
                document.getElementById('closelabelspan').style.display = 'none';
                document.getElementById('holdlabelspan').style.display = 'none';
                document.getElementById('startlabelspan').style.display = 'none';
                document.getElementById('cancellabelspan').style.display = 'none';
                document.getElementById('updatelabelspan').style.display = 'none';

            }, grid);

To make the dialog box(terms) transparent, I attempted to implement CSS without success:

  border:2px solid black;
  filter:alpha(opacity=60); /* For IE8 and earlier */


I am using IE8 and seeking guidance on achieving transparency. Thank you.

Edited function showDialog() snippet:

function showDialog(){
                dijit.byId("terms").on("show", function() {, "opacity", 0.3); });
                document.getElementById('closelabelspan').style.display = 'none';
                document.getElementById('holdlabelspan').style.display = 'none';
                document.getElementById('startlabelspan').style.display = 'none';
                document.getElementById('cancellabelspan').style.display = 'none';
                document.getElementById('updatelabelspan').style.display = 'none';

Answer №1

Using a programmed approach:

    var dialog = new dijit.Dialog({
        title: "Click me!",
        onShow: function() {
            var self = this;
            // The show routine sets opacity to 1, waits until it does, then resets
            // The second style call also sets the underlay
            setTimeout(function() {
      , "opacity", 0.4);
       + self.underlayAttrs["class"]), "opacity", 0.4);
            }, 1000);
        content: 'simple contents'

Using markup:

<div data-dojo-type="dijit.Dialog" style="height:580px;width:900px;" 
   data-dojo-props="title:'Control Activities'" preload="true">

   <script type="dojo/method" data-dojo-event="onShow" data-dojo-args="">
            var self = this;
            // The show routine sets opacity to 1, waits until it does, then resets
            // The second style call also sets the underlay
            setTimeout(function() {
      , "opacity", 0.4);
       + self.underlayAttrs["class"]), "opacity", 0.4);
            }, 1000);

Answer №2

The stylesheet for dijit dialog contains a class called .dijitDialogUnderlay. To modify the background color of this class, update the "background-color" property to: background-color: #0000;

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