The sass compiler has produced two separate CSS files, but I am only able to link one of them to the index.html file

Everything was going smoothly with my SASS compiler. The styles were reacting perfectly in the live web server. But then, out of nowhere, it stopped working. Upon closer inspection, I realized that the extension had created a new CSS file. Instead of compiling into my original 'styles.css' file, it generated a separate one called header.css. This caused a problem because my 'index.html' document was still linked to the original 'styles.css', which was no longer being updated. As a result, the styles are now failing to display correctly on the live web server.

Answer №1

It turns out that I made a mistake when creating the "header.scss" file as one of my Sass files because I didn't designate it as a partial file (_header.scss) by forgetting to include the underscore at the beginning. The Sass compiler seemed to treat it separately, thinking it was a complete file and compiling it on its own. Thank you!

A special shoutout to Anuja Nimesh and others who suggested checking my SCSS file for errors. I found one and can now get back to coding. If I run into any more roadblocks, I'll be sure to come back with questions.

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