The fieldset css in PrimeNG differs from the website's original design

On my website, the appearance of the fieldset can be seen here: I did not make any CSS changes that altered the fieldset.

I am utilizing primeNG v7 and Angular 7.

<p-fieldset legend="Toggleable" [toggleable]="true">
    The narrative unfolds as Don Vito Corleone, the head of a New York Mafia family, oversees his daughter's wedding. 
    His cherished son Michael has recently returned from war, but is not interested in joining his father's enterprise.
    Through Michael's experiences, the true essence of the family business comes to light. The operation reflects its leader,
    compassionate and generous to those who show respect,
    yet capable of brutal tactics when necessary for the family's well-being.

The fieldset on the primeNG webpage displays like this: I desire to achieve this appearance.

Answer №1

Review the CSS of the font for the primeng fieldset

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