Expanding image in table data to full screen upon clicking using jQuery

I am trying to display an image in my table and then use jQuery to pop up a modal with the full-screen image. However, the image only pops up at the top of the table data.

This is the code I have so far:

    <td><?php echo $i++;?></td>
    <td><?php echo $d['tanggal_komplain'];?></td>
    <td><?php echo $d['nama_komplainer'];?><?php echo $d['pembuat'];?></td>
    <td><?php echo $d['departemen_tujuan'];?></td>
    <td><?php echo $d['personil_tujuan'];?></td>
    <td><?php echo $d['subject'];?></td>
    <td><?php echo $d['isi_komplain'];?></td>
    <td><?php echo $d['status'];?></td>
    <td class="align-middle text-center perbesar">
      <a href="#" id="pop">
        <img id="imageresource" src="image/<?php echo $d['nama_gambar']; ?>" width="80" height="80">
<div class="modal fade" id="imagemodal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="myModalLabel" aria-hidden="true">
  <div class="modal-dialog">
    <div class="modal-content">
      <div class="modal-header">
        <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal"><span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span><span class="sr-only">Close</span></button>
        <h4 class="modal-title" id="myModalLabel">Image preview</h4>
      <div class="modal-body">
        <img src="" id="imagepreview" style="width: 400px; height: 264px;" >
      <div class="modal-footer">
        <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button>

$("#pop").on("click", function() {
   $('#imagepreview').attr('src', $('#imageresource').attr('src')); // here assign the image to the modal when the user clicks the enlarge link
   $('#imagemodal').modal('show'); // imagemodal is the id attribute assigned to the bootstrap modal, then I use the show function

I'm hoping someone can offer some assistance with this issue :((

Answer №1

Implement the use of preventDefault to effectively disable a link

`$("#pop").on("click", function(e) {
 $('#imagepreview').attr('src', $('#imageresource').attr('src')); // This line assigns the image to the modal when the user clicks the enlarge link
 $('#imagemodal').modal('show'); // Here, imagemodal is the id attribute assigned to the bootstrap modal, then the show function is used


To disable the link, remove the href and add type=button in the pop link...

<a type="button" id="pop">...</a>

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