The customized styling for Material Angular does not seem to properly apply to <md-card> elements within ui-views

I am trying to achieve a specific effect on the ui-views

<md-card id="sidebar" flex="20" class="sche-card" layout-padding="true">
<div ui-view="card" autoscroll="false"></div>

However, I am facing an issue where the card appears empty when the view is not enabled. I attempted placing this code snippet inside the partial but it resulted in broken styling and the card not displaying properly.


<md-card id="sidebar" flex="20" class="sche-card" layout-padding="true">
<p>Card Contents</p>

Can anyone advise on the correct way to use md-card in partials?

Answer №1

Consider enclosing it in

<section layout="row" layout-wrap>
   <!-- place your cards here -->

Alternatively, you can add those attributes to <main-view> if they are consistently the same

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