SCSS files scattered throughout Solution Explorer create disorder in Visual Studio

I currently work with Visual Studio 2013.

Typically, in the solution explorer, scss files are displayed with their .css,, and .min.css files neatly grouped under the main .scss file. However, I'm experiencing a lack of organization as all these files are being shown individually in my solution explorer.

If anyone has any helpful tips or shortcuts to get these files grouped together again, I would greatly appreciate it!

Answer №1

To easily nest files in Visual Studio, you have two options: manually editing the project file or using a handy Visual Studio Extension:

If you choose to edit the project file manually, simply add the DependentUpon metadata to each file you want to nest. Here's an example snippet:


    <!-- This will cause Visual Studio to show the file under Foo.1.cs -->
    <Compile Include="Foo.1.1.cs">

    <!-- This will cause Visual Studio to show the file under Foo.cs -->
    <Compile Include="Foo.1.cs">
    <Compile Include="Foo.cs" />
    <Compile Include="Program.cs" />
    <Compile Include="Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs" />

For a more user-friendly solution, check out the File Nesting Extension on Visual Studio Gallery.

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