The WordPress issue of a background image not displaying properly when using both a linear gradient and an image

Code snippet:

style="background-image: linear-gradient(151deg,#6a7a8f 9%,#8692A4 30%,#a9b1be 49%, #ced2d9 66%, #f1f0f1 88%),url(<?php echo $page['image']; ?>);"

Within the div, only the linear gradient is visible. When I switch the order and place url() before linear-gradient, only the image appears.

I have explored similar questions on Stackoverflow but haven't been able to resolve this issue.

Answer №1

Your design currently uses solid colors (HEX), which can overpower your image. To achieve a better balance, consider using RGBA colors.

Here's an example:

style="background-image: linear-gradient(151deg,rgba(106,122,143,0.5) 9%,rgba(134,146,164,0.5) 30%,rgba(169,177,190,0.5) 49%, rgba(206,210,217,0.5) 66%, rgba(241,240,241,0.5) 88%),url(<?php echo $page['image']; ?>);"

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