When the canvas is dragged, an item within it suddenly leaps or bounces

I've noticed that when I drag the canvas using -webkit-transform: translate(x,y), an element on the canvas jumps. Are there any suggestions for addressing this issue?

Answer №1

Identify changes in CSS that trigger reflows:

  • visibility:hidden/visible
  • display:none
  • :hover

Also, watch out for these triggers in JavaScript:

  • offsetWidth or offsetHeight
  • scroll event

An important consideration about using CSS3 selectors is their impact on page performance. It's advised to avoid them if performance is a priority. Instead, stick to decorating your markup with classes and ids and matching solely based on those criteria without resorting to sibling, descendant, and child selectors. This approach will lead to significantly better performance across all browsers. It's easy to unintentionally cause a full document search with parent selectors. By supporting this selector, you are essentially giving users the freedom to potentially harm their page performance.

The complete profile is suitable for scenarios where performance is less critical. For example, implementations of the Selectors API specification should utilize the 'complete' profile, which includes all selectors defined in the document.

CSS implementations compliant with Selectors Level 4 must adhere to the 'fast' profile for CSS selection efficiency.

The fast profile is recommended for use in any context, including dynamic browser CSS selector matching. It encompasses all selectors from this document except combinator functions within :matches(), :not(), :nth-match(), and :nth-last-match().

Avoid using the reference combinator and subject indicator.

In situations where most considered selectors don't match the target element, it's crucial to expedite the process of determining a non-match. Even if extra work is required for matching cases, overall time saved in non-matching instances makes it worth the effort.

Utilize browser-specific selectors to style the document itself:

@-moz-document url-prefix() 
  @media all
    .foo { color: red } /* Firefox */

*::-ms-backdrop, .foo { color: red } /* IE11 */

*:-webkit-any-link, .foo { color: red } /* Webkit */

If referencing a child element based on its context, consider using XML serialization of HTML5 and CSS3 namespaces:

@namespace m "http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML/";

m|math { border: 1px solid blue; }

To display a child element based on a parent pseudo-class, define the default state of the child element and adjust for each state change of the parent:

li:hover > a * { display: none; }

li:hover > a:hover * { display: block; }


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