Tips for defining boundaries for position absolute elements using JavaScript

Fiddle. I am in the process of developing a chat/mail application with a resizable menu similar to the Google Hangouts desktop app. When resizing the brown content pane at a normal speed, you can observe that the boundaries are functioning as intended. My approach involves using style.left and a function that monitors cursor direction to ensure the cursor stays aligned with the drag bar.

Issue: If you hold down the mouse on the drag bar and quickly resize it out of bounds multiple times with a "fling" motion, you'll notice the behavior deviates from what was expected.

edit: The bug is less prominent when using Edge and Firefox browsers. It does not occur on the right side, but occasionally occurs on the left, never going off-screen completely.

Below is the view controller code extracted from the provided fiddle.

//handles all mousemove and boundary cases.
mouseMove(e) {
    //size of right pane relative to container (percent)
    let percentRight = Math.round(this.messageWindowContentContainer.clientWidth/this.chatContainer.clientWidth * 100);
    //normal mousemove within the bounds min:25 and max:94
    if ((percentRight) <= 94 && percentRight >= 25) {
    document.getElementById("content2").innerHTML = "Content";
    this.messageWindowContainer.setAttribute("style", "left:" + (e.clientX) + "px");

//Only moves if right pane is out of bounds(left), mouse if moving right, and mouse is right of pane
if (percentRight > 94 && this.getCursorXPercentage(e) >= 6 && this.cursorMovingRight(e)) {
    this.messageWindowContainer.setAttribute("style", "left:" + (e.clientX) + "px");
//Only moves if right pane is out of bounds (right), mouse is moving left, and mouse is left of pane
if (percentRight < 25 && this.getCursorXPercentage(e) <= 75 && this.cursorMovingLeft(e)) {
    this.messageWindowContainer.setAttribute("style", "left:" + (e.clientX) + "px");

//if e.movementX is positive, moving right
cursorMovingRight(e) {
    return (Math.sign(e.movementX) === 1)
//if e.movementX is negative, moving left
cursorMovingLeft(e) {
    return (Math.sign(e.movementX) === -1)

//returns cursor location relative to container as percent
getCursorXPercentage(e) {
    let percentage = Math.round((e.clientX / this.chatContainer.getBoundingClientRect().width) * 100)
    document.getElementById("content2").innerHTML = percentage;
    return percentage;

Answer №1

After testing the code on my computer, I discovered that the issue lies in checking the current value of percentRight instead of considering its future value. This means that even if the present value appears to be correct, it may not necessarily hold true for the future value. When your DIV is in full screen mode, as shown in the example, the new value of percentLeft will be e.clientX / widthOfTheBox. Before assigning this new value, you should perform the following calculation: = Math.min(Math.max(newPercentLeft,5),75) * widthOfTheBox + 'px'

You can simplify your code by using ` = yourvalue` instead of setAttribute.


mouseMove(e) {
    var $0 = document.querySelector.bind(document),
        boxWidth =  $0('#mainMenuContainer').clientWidth,
        newPercentLeft = e.clientX / boxWidth,
        limitedNewPercentLeft = Math.min(Math.max(.2,newPercentLeft),.85);
    $0("#content2").innerHTML = limitedNewPercentLeft != newPercentLeft ? (newPercentLeft * 100 |0) : 'content'; = limitedNewPercentLeft * boxWidth + 'px';


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