Creating a static footer in AngularJS with material design: A step-by-step guide

This is how I've set up my webpage design.

<div  layout="column" layout-fill ng-controller="MainCtrl as mc">

        <md-toolbar md-scroll-shrink>
           <div layout="row" layout-align="center center" flex>


        <div ui-view>

        <md-toolbar class="md-scroll-shrink">
          <div layout="row" layout-align="center center" flex>


Currently, the footer is positioned right after the main content. Depending on the size of the main content, the footer either appears in the middle of the screen or below the page height.

I aim to have the footer fixed at the bottom of the screen at all times. Additionally, I want there to be a scroll within the main content section based on its size.

If anyone has any suggestions or solutions, I would greatly appreciate it!

Answer №1

All you have to do is include <section flex> and apply the CSS rule overflow-y: auto;. Check out this live example:

Answer №2

Place a mat-toolbar at the bottom of your webpage and apply this CSS spacer to ensure the text is centered:

<mat-toolbar color='primary'>
  <span class='spacer'></span>
    <h3>© Copyright Angular Apps 2017.</h3>
  <span class='spacer'></span>

Here is the CSS code for the spacer:

.spacer {
    -webkit-box-flex: 1;
    -ms-flex: 1 1 auto;
    flex: 1 1 auto;

By following these steps, you can achieve a layout like this:

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