Dynamic div with height controlled by the content of the background image

I'm trying to figure out how to make a div with a background image of 100% width always maintain the aspect ratio of the image for its height. Is there a way to achieve this?

In simpler terms, when I resize the page, I want the div to scale down while keeping the same height as the background image.

I hope that explanation is clear,

thank you

Answer №1

Achieving a responsive square design is possible by utilizing a combination of width, padding, and background-size.

If you want to learn more about this technique, take a look at this resource:

The key aspect lies in how padding is utilized. When defining padding with percentages, it is directly related to the width of the containing element. For instance, when setting "padding-top: 10%;", you are essentially stating that the padding on the top should occupy 10% of the width of the containing element. To create a responsive square element, you can simply implement the following CSS:

width: 20%;
height: 0;
padding-bottom: 20%;
background-size: contain;

Answer №2

When utilizing the img tag, there is no need to worry about vertical resizing.

   <img src="..." style="width: 100%">

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