Implement a hover effect on a specific class targeting a nested element using JavaScript

Is there a method to apply a class that modifies rules for a child element using Javascript? I have successfully added it with CSS but am struggling to do the same with Javascript. Removing the class in JS is easy by referencing the classname before the hover pseudo-class, but re-adding it after removal doesn't seem to work properly. It could be a syntax issue, but I'm unable to find the correct solution. Any suggestions?

function hideTooltip(){

function showTooltip(){
.tooltip:hover .tool-name{
  display: inline;


Upon further review, it appears that it was indeed functioning correctly. The problem stemmed from some specificity issues preventing it from taking effect when trying to reapply it.

Answer №1

When you utilize the functions add or remove, you are manipulating elements and not classes.

For adding or removing classes, it is recommended to use addClass, removeClass, or toggleClass

function hideTooltip(){
  elementName.classList.removeClass( 'tooltip' );

function showTooltip(){
  elementName.classList.addClass( 'tooltip' );

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