Using JQuery to parse an XML file and automatically redirecting the page if a specific attribute equals "Update"


I've made some edits to clarify my request. My website is built using HTML5, CSS3, and JQuery, resulting in all content being on one page.

During updates, I want the ability to set an option in a configuration file so that when users visit my site, they are redirected to another page, similar to a maintenance page. However, most resources on creating config files relate to .NET or Flash, neither of which my site uses. Therefore, I believe jQuery can help me create a custom web config.

The current code snippet I have loads an XML file using jQuery:

type: "GET",
url: "jquery_xml.xml",
dataType: "xml",
success: function(xml) { parseXml(xml); }

In the process of parsing the XML file, I need assistance with identifying the website status:

function parseXml(xml)
//find Website Status
// Help needed here

While I know how to display this information on a page, my main goal is to determine the website status using the provided XML structure:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<WebSite Status="Live">

Hopefully, these clarifications make my request more understandable.

Regards, Bobby

Answer №1


This will conveniently guide your visitors to the right place.

Answer №2

After some figuring out, I was able to solve this issue on my own. Just in case anyone else is looking for the solution, here it is.

Below is the JQuery Code:

$(function() {

        $.get("data.xml", {}, function(res) {

            var status = $(res).find("SiteStatus");
            console.log("Status = "+status.text());
            if(status.text() == "Update"){
                window.location = "any url you like";
        }, "xml");


Here is an example of how the XML file should look:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

Just ensure that you have included the following script in your HTML page:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

This script will check the status in the XML log. If it's set to update, it will redirect to a specific page. Otherwise, it will continue to load the website as usual.

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