What is the best way to position text at the bottom of an image using CSS?

Utilizing the jQuery Caption Plugin to showcase the image alt text when hovering over an image.

Currently, the text is displaying at the top but I would like it to show at the bottom. Any suggestions on how to remedy this?

Desired Outcome:

Check out the JSFiddle example here: Sample

Answer №1

By carefully reviewing the manual, you have the option to easily paste this code into your project

  height:   64,
  opacity:  .8

Don't forget to add this in your CodePen: CodePen link here

$(function() {
      height:   64, // Adjust caption height here
      opacity:  .8

Answer №2

Here is the updated code snippet for the plugin:

 h.html('<div style="position:absolute;top:210px;">'+j.attr("alt")+'</div>');

To see it in action, check out the demo link: http://example.com/demo

Answer №3

apply styles to div.capty-caption

within this, adjust the height or line-height properties in the css for better results

for example in JQUERY.CAPTY.CSS

div.capty-caption {
    background-color: #000;
    color: #FFF;
    font: bold 11px verdana;
    padding-left: 10px;
    padding-top: 7px;
    text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 #222;
    line-height:---SET HERE---; 


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