Creating CSS styles for fluid width divs with equal height and background images

Looking to create a layout with two side-by-side divs of equal width - one containing an image and the other dynamic text that can vary in height from 400px to 550px based on input. The goal is for the image to align flush at the top and bottom with the text box, all within a fluid container element for responsiveness.

Desired Outcome

Currently using floats to line up elements, but the image falls short:

Attempted setting the image as a background-image with CSS properties, but encountering issues with maintaining alignment when resizing browser due to aspect ratio changes.

Hoping to find a solution without resorting to Javascript.

Answer №1

To create a table layout, use display:table for the container and display:table-cell for the inner divs. Also, remember to eliminate the use of float.

Check out the demo here:

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