Exploring Java Programming with HTMLEditorKit

Here is my source code:

I am trying to change the font color using only CSS.

This is how I am inserting HTML:

<span class="tag1">I love <span class="tag2">apple</span></span><span class="tag2"> pie</span>

When using tag1, I expect "I love apple" to be displayed in red font.

However, only "I love" appears in red font.

How can I correct this issue?

doc.getStyleSheet().addRule(".tag1 {color : red;}");

try {

    kit.insertHTML(doc, doc.getLength(), "<span class=\"tag1\">I love <span class=\"tag2\">apple</span></span><span class=\"tag2\"> pie</span>", 0, 0, null);
} catch (IOException e1) {

} catch (BadLocationException e1) {


Answer №1

The reason for this issue is that you have assigned the red color to .tag1 only, while the

<span class="tag2">apple</span>
is a span element within .tag1, so it does not inherit the color css property directly. As @hoosssein mentioned, if there is a default (or any) css color value for the span element, it will not adopt the style of its parent element, which explains the current behavior.

To resolve this, you should include the following code:

doc.getStyleSheet().addRule(".tag1 span {color: red;}");

This way, every span element within the .tag1 class will also be styled with a red color.

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