Monitoring changes to a SCSS file

I'm feeling completely baffled. I've put in my best effort to resolve this issue.

The problem lies with my SCSS file and its watcher that doesn't appear to be functioning properly. A regular CSS file is not being generated at all. Here's a snippet of my SCSS file:

Additionally, I am utilizing the WebStorm IDE.

Error message:

An error occurred while trying to execute the 'SCSS' watcher. The watcher has been disabled. Fix it.: Unable to run program "C:\Users\Luke\WebstormProjects\untitled\myTestWebsite\main.scss" (in directory "C:\Users\Luke\WebstormProjects\untitled\myTestWebsite"): CreateProcess error=193, %1 is not a valid Win32 application

Program path:

Answer №1

Ensure your program is correctly pointing to the Sass Gem of Ruby, rather than just your scss file:

Locate the sass.bat file on your computer and use its path in the program value

In my scenario, the accurate path is: c:\Ruby22\bin\sass.bat

Remember, Webstorm automatically monitors all scss files you create and generates a corresponding css file. No need for individual file watchers for each scss file

One small detail to keep in mind: Consider adding --style compressed to the arguments. This will produce a minified version of the css file, resulting in reduced load time

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