Increase and decrease a counter in Javascript by clicking on two separate image tags, with increments and decrements between 1 and 10

Hello! I really appreciate your help. I am currently facing the following issue:

<div id="thumb1">
                <img class="img-responsive"  id="prova" src="img/thumb-up-dark.png" alt="">
                <div id="pinline">0</div>  
                <img class="img-responsive"  src="img/thumb-down-dark.png" alt="">

I need to increase the value in "pinline" after each click until it reaches 10;

In order to achieve this, I tried the following code:


    var value = parseInt(document.getElementById('pinline').value, 10);
    document.getElementById('pinline').innerHTML = value;


But unfortunately, it keeps returning "Nan". Could you please provide some guidance on how to fix this? Your assistance is greatly appreciated!

Thank you so much for your time and support.

Answer №1

This field does not accept input, therefore the use of .value is not applicable in this context.

Instead, you can retrieve the value using:

var value = parseInt(document.getElementById('pinline').innerHTML, 10);

Answer №2

Your needs will be met perfectly with this solution


    var number = parseInt(document.getElementById('numline').innerHTML, 10);
    if(number < 10){
        document.getElementById('numline').innerHTML = number;

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