Which HTML tag should I choose to apply color to text in Twitter Bootstrap?

I'm looking to enhance the appearance of a specific word in my text. For example:

This is my text, <span class="red">this</span> should be red.

Would using the span tag be the appropriate method for achieving this effect? Or are there other recommended conventions?

Additional question: How can I apply bold and italic styles to certain words or phrases in my text?

Answer №1

Utilizing the Span element is a recommended approach. Incorporating it with the class attribute also serves as a positive step forward. It's important to consider if this method aligns with how you consistently want to highlight content on your webpage.

If so, you might want to think about overriding the <em> tag in Bootstrap. By default, this tag makes text italicized.

I won't delve into the specifics of customizing Bootstrap itself. Overriding the default style is quite straightforward. Simply add the following to your custom CSS:

em { 
  color: red; 
  font-style: normal; 

The line font-style: normal; changes italic formatting to standard.

In your HTML code, utilize the em element.

To address the other aspect of your inquiry: Italicize text: <em></em> Bold text: <strong></strong>

Answer №2

If you're utilizing Twitter Bootstrap, try incorporating the following classes:

    <span class="active">...</span>
    <span class="success">...</span>
    <span class="warning">...</span>
    <span class="danger">...</span>
Check out the Bootstrap documentation for more information: http://getbootstrap.com/css/#tables-contextual-classes

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