looking to change the background color of a CSS element

Here is a CSS code snippet that I am struggling with:

cursor: pointer;
background-color: blue;

However, the above code overrides this one:

#past .layer.color {        
background-color: #E5D403 !important;   /*this needs to be the first priority color*/

EDIT: I want the second background-color to override the first one. I have tried various solutions like using IDs, classes, and !important, but nothing seems to work. Any help would be appreciated! (I'm also using Twitter Bootstrap with all CSS rules in custom.css).

I even tried adding inline CSS to the HTML. Here is just a portion of it:

<div class="accordionGroups">
            <div class="accordionHeading">
                <a class="accordion collapsed" data-toggle="collapse"
                    data-parent="#mainAccordion" data-target="#collapseThree"> <i
                    class="twistyIcon"></i> Layers
            <div id="collapseFirst" class="accordion-body collapse">
                <div class="accordion-inner scrollable">
                    <ul id="layers-dropdown-menu">
                       <li><label class="checkbox" id="past"> <span class="layer color legend"></span> Past

When I tried setting background-color:#E5D403 inline, it produced an error.

Another attempt that failed was:

.checkbox span .layer.color.legend
 background-color: #E5D403 !important;

Answer №1

Is this not functional?

#past {        
   background-color: #E5D403 !important;

Answer №2

.layer.color is a CSS selector that targets an element which has no content, therefore not taking up any space on the screen.

Are you wondering what the final result should be? If you provide us with a visual representation of your desired outcome, we can offer more assistance.

Alternatively, if you wish to apply a new background color to "Past", make sure to enclose it within the span's tags -

<span class="layer color legend">Past</span>

Answer №3

Make sure to include a space between the HTML element and its class attribute.

Here is the corrected version:


 <span class="highlighted-text"> YOUR TEXT HERE </span>


  background-color: #E5D403 !important;

Answer №4

After some experimentation, I finally found a solution to the problem at hand. It became clear that the error could not be addressed through CSS alone. Given that my page was undergoing dynamic updates, I decided to tackle the issue using JavaScript while generating each row.

    $row.find('.select').css('background-color', 'blue');
    $row.find('.input').css('background-color', 'blue');
    $row.find('.schedule').css('background-color', 'blue');

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