Problem with icon color not being applied to lightning-tab component in LWC


<lightning-tabset variant="vertical" >
        <lightning-tab class="class1" icon-name="utility:adduser" label="demo label1"> demo label1 </lightning-tab>
        <lightning-tab class="class2" icon-name="utility:adduser" label="demo label2"> demo label</lightning-tab>


    --lwc-colorTextIconDefault: blue;
    --lwc-colorTextIconDefault: red;

I attempted the same method to modify the icon color in lightning-icon, but unfortunately it did not work for my purpose with lightning-tab.

Answer №1

One way to change the icon color for Lightning-tab in LWC is by utilizing renderedCallback in JavaScript.


 <lightning-tabset variant="vertical" class="tabsetCss" >
        <lightning-tab class="class1" icon-name="utility:adduser" label="demo label1" data-id= 'firstIcon'> demo label1 </lightning-tab>
        <lightning-tab class="class2" icon-name="utility:adduser" label="demo label2" data-id= 'secondIcon'> demo label</lightning-tab>


        let firstIcon  = this.template.querySelector(`[data-id='firstIcon']`);
        let firstIconId = firstIcon.getAttribute("aria-labelledby");
        const firstStyleCss = document.createElement('style');
        firstStyleCss.innerText = ` .tabsetCss #${firstIconId} .slds-icon-utility-adduser svg {
                                fill:blue !important;
        if (this.template.querySelector('lightning-tabset') != null) {

        let secondIcon  = this.template.querySelector(`[data-id='secondIcon']`);
        let secondIconId = secondIcon.getAttribute("aria-labelledby");
        const secondStyleCss = document.createElement('style');
        secondStyleCss.innerText = ` .tabsetCss #${secondIconId} .slds-icon-utility-adduser svg {
                                fill:red !important;
        if (this.template.querySelector('lightning-tabset') != null) {

I hope you find this solution helpful.
Thank you

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