Is there a way to dynamically alter the heading color in Shopify liquid code?

After utilizing ChatGPT to review the code, I am uncertain if it is related to the color schemes. I am unsure of what I may be missing or doing incorrectly. While I can successfully alter the heading text, I am unable to change the color. Below is the code snippet:

    {% schema %}
      "name": "Solo Custom Section",
      "settings": [
          "type": "text",
          "id": "heading",
          "label": "Section Heading",
          "default": "My Custom Section"
          "type": "color",
          "id": "text_color",
          "label": "Text Color",
          "default": "#000000"
      "blocks": [],
      "presets": [
          "name": "SoloTest",
          "category": "custom"
    {% endschema %}
      <h1 class="custom-heading">{{ section.settings.heading }}</h1>
{% stylesheet %}

.custom-heading {
  color: {{ section.settings.text_color }};

{% endstylesheet %}

Despite trying all my known solutions, I have been unsuccessful. My goal is to dynamically modify the color through the admin customization panel. This custom section is specifically designed for my Shopify store.

Answer №1

Variables cannot be used inside the stylesheet, which means that the value of text_color is not replaced in the style.

For more information, you can refer to:

To work around this limitation, you can modify your markup as shown below:

  {{ section.settings.heading }}


<h1 class="custom-heading-{{ }}">
  {{ section.settings.heading }}
.custom-heading-{{ }} {
  color: {{ section.settings.text_color }};

If you have any doubts, please feel free to ask in the comments.

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