Swapping images when hovering over a list item or anchor tag

I recently came across an intriguing issue with changing the img src on a:hover.

Check out this SCREENSHOT

When hovering over the <a> sector, it's not showing the white image as expected. I have black and white icons, and I want the img src to change to the black icons when hovering over the #menu sectors, instead of the white ones for non-hovered sectors.

For the CSS and HTML code, please visit:

Answer №1

ul li a{
 background:#000000 url(/path/to/white/icon) left no-repeat;
ul li a:hover{
 background:#FFFFFF url(/path/to/black/icon) left no-repeat;

give this a shot

Answer №2

Check out this example below demonstrating how to dynamically change the background image of an li element on a mouseover event.

Change Background Image on Mouseover

I hope you find this helpful!

Answer №3

One way to optimize loading images on your website is by using background image sprites. An informative article on this topic can be found here: http://css-tricks.com/css-sprites/. By utilizing sprites, you can significantly reduce the number of server requests needed to fetch individual images since all images are consolidated into a single file.

Here's an example of how you can implement CSS for background image sprites:

ul li a{
   background: #000000 url('sprite.png') no-repeat;
ul li a:hover{
   background-color: #FFFFFF;

// Define different classes for each link

ul li a.home {
   // Specify position for white icon
   background-position: 0 0; 
ul li a.home:hover {
   // Change position for black icon when hovered
   background-position: 0 -20px;

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