Utilize text wrapping to ensure a fixed maximum height for content display

I am in need of a div that contains text spanning multiple lines, with both a fixed width and a maximum height. Currently, I have applied the CSS property overflow: hidden;. However, my issue arises when the last line of text exceeds the maximum height of the div and gets cut off (only showing half of the line). Ideally, I would like to hide this overflow and replace it with an ellipsis on the last visible line.

The challenge is not adding ellipsis to a single line of text (which can be achieved using white-space: nowrap), but rather ensuring that the last line is fully displayed without being truncated. If necessary, I am open to utilizing jQuery to help insert the ellipsis as needed.

Answer №1


text-overflow: ellipsis;

into the Div element

UPDATE: Unfortunately, it is not currently possible in a standardized manner.

HOWEVER, you can achieve this using experimental webkit features (refer to this discussion), or by utilizing JS with the solution created by this individual and available on github.

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