Turn off browser feature that automatically adds overflow:hidden on touch screen devices

Encountering a problem with browsers (potentially Chrome) adding CSS rules on touch-enabled devices.

In a website developed for a client (specifically for Chrome), the scroll bars disappear on elements when accessed from their ultrabooks. The client still uses these devices as regular laptops, so removing scrolling is unnecessary. This issue seems to stem from the browser automatically adding the following CSS rules to certain elements due to the devices having touch screens:

overflow: hidden;
width: auto;

This results in the removal of scroll bars and disrupts site functionality as several elements become non-interactive.

Despite researching the matter, relevant information has been scarce (most search results pertain to wanting overflow:hidden on mobile). I had hoped there was a setting in Chrome to disable this behavior, but my efforts have been fruitless. While it is possible to forcibly add CSS rules, this may lead to further complications.

Your input on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

Answer №1

I stumbled upon the solution.

To resolve this issue in Chrome, follow these steps:

1/3 of the way down on the chrome://flags page, locate the setting named ‘Enable touch events’.

Description in Chrome:

Enable touch events : Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS

Choose to enable or disable touchscreen support, or automatically detect and enable it when a touchscreen is present (default setting). #touch-events

Set the drop-down selection to ‘Disabled’. Once selected, a button labeled ‘Relaunch Now’ will appear at the bottom of the window. Click on it to restart Chrome. Your scroll bars should now be visible.

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