Tips for convincing the React/MUI Theme Engine to apply namespaces to all MUI CSS rules?

Encountering an issue with React Apps imported as microfrontends. Our Landingpage (built in React/MUI) imports multiple Apps (created in React/MUI v4 or v5, designed to run independently with their own themes). The problem arises when each App creates its own theme and sets different base rules for Mui CSS classes (e.g. .MuiGrid-container). The process of switching between Apps on the Landingpage seems to unfold as follows:

  • Landingpage loads its theme.
  • App 1 is loaded and applies its theme.
  • App 2 is loaded and introduces its own theme, potentially overriding some rules from App 1 (which is not visible at this point).
  • App 1 is reloaded, replacing its previous theme, allowing App 2's theme to take precedence due to the CSS rule order.

We have control over our own App, but not the Landingpage; thus, it is App 2's theme affecting our App 1.

A potential solution could involve namespace our theme, adding a prefix class to every CSS rule emitted by our App to enhance specificity and prevent interference with other Apps. However, we couldn't find any options in createTheme or <ThemeProvider> that address this issue.

The question now is: How do we namespace our React/MUI v5 Theme?

Specifically, we aim to create a theme like this:

    palette: palette,
    components: {
      MuiGrid: {
        styleOverrides: {
          container: {
            flexWrap: "nowrap",

and implement it in the App using

<ThemeProvider theme={resultOfCreateTheme}>
, which should generate a CSS rule similar to

.ourNamespaceElementClassName .MuiGrid-container {
  flex-wrap: nowrap;

Currently, it outputs

.MuiGrid-container {
  flex-wrap: nowrap;

potentially causing conflicts if multiple Apps follow suit.

Suggestions for alternative approaches are also appreciated, as there might be a different underlying issue here. With no authority over the Landingpage or Apps 2..n, we must "theme-proof" our own App 1 somehow.

Answer №1

We have successfully found a resolution to our issue, which differs slightly from our initial idea presented in the question.

This solution involves adding a namespace/scope to all MUI CSS classes. By default, MUI elements are assigned classes like:

<div class="MuiGrid-container"></div>

Now, we are customizing the ClassNameGenerator class (located in index.tsx) and modifying the class name generation function as follows:

import { unstable_ClassNameGenerator as ClassNameGenerator } from '@mui/material/className';

ClassNameGenerator.configure((componentName) => `namespaceXYZ-${componentName}`);

As a result, all of our elements and MUI CSS classes will now have a prefix added to their names:

<div class="namespaceXYZ-MuiGrid-container"></div>

One thing to note: MUI "marker classes" (such as Mui-disabled and others) do not receive the prefix. However, since these classes are typically used alongside the components' CSS classes, this should not pose a significant issue. It is only important to keep in mind when writing custom CSS with multiple classes in the selector.

Answer №2

To start, create a default theme file and define your styles within it, like the code snippet below.

const defaultTheme = {
    palette: {
        primary: {
            main: ...,
        secondary: {
        warning: {
        success: {
        info: {
          text: {
          background: {
    overrides: {
        MuiBackdrop: {
          root: {
        MuiMenu: {
          paper: {
        MuiSelect: {
          icon: {
            color: "#B9B9B9",
        MuiListItem: {
            root: {
              "&$selected": {
                "&:focus": {
                  backgroundColor: "#F3F5FF",
            button: {
              "&:hover, &:focus": {
                backgroundColor: "#F3F5FF",
        PrivateSwitchBase: {
            root: {

In the above code, replace the '...' with your desired styles such as background color.

Next, you need to add the following code:

const themes = {
      default: createTheme({...defaultTheme}),

Finally, in your index.js file, include the ThemeProvider component:

<ThemeProvider theme={Themes.default}>
    <App />

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