Show off a sleek slider within a Bootstrap dropdown menu

Is there a way to display a sleek slider within a Bootstrap dropdown element? The issue arises when the slider fails to function if the dropdown is not open from the start, and the prev/next buttons do not respond correctly.

For reference, here is my current code in action:

I am utilizing default styles from Bootstrap and the slick slider library.

The JavaScript code responsible for initiating the slider:

    dots: false,
    nextArrow: $('#minicartnext'),
    prevArrow: $('#minicartprev'),
    infinite: false,
    speed: 300,
    slidesToShow: 3,
    slidesToScroll: 1,
    mobileFirst: true,

When the dropdown is open initially, everything works smoothly. Is there a workaround for this issue?

Answer №1

Bootstrap dropdowns are specifically designed to house Bootstrap dropdown items, while popovers can contain other types of content.

To enable the popover functionality, include this script in your code after loading jQuery, Popper, and Bootstrap:

    $(function () {
            html: true,
            sanitize: false,

Next, add data-toggle="popover" as the trigger for the popover.

Finally, utilize the title and data-content attributes to define the title and content of the popover.

Check out this example on CodePen.

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