How to make browsers refresh cached images

.button { background: url(../Images/button.png); }

Issue: To improve performance, static content on the website is cached with expiration headers. However, when an image changes, users must manually refresh their browser cache (Ctrl+F5 in IE). I would like images to be cached but automatically reloaded when necessary.

Inquiry: Is the following approach considered 'valid'?

.button {
    background: url(../Images/button.png?v=1234);

The "v=1234" represents the version of my site. I am unsure if this method is entirely valid within CSS, and I want browsers to still cache the images if the version remains the same. Do modern browsers effectively cache data with URL parameters included?

Thank you.

Answer ā„–1

I believe that method is quite effective; it should function well in CSS on up-to-date browsers. The browser will scan the image's address (which includes ?v=1234), detect that it is not cached, and initiate a new request.

Answer ā„–2

Rule 3 of the best practices outlined in Optimizing Website Performance, emphasizes the importance of including an Expires or Cache-Control Header. The recommendation given is to version individual files rather than updating the entire site.

The related blog post further explains:

It's crucial to note that when implementing a far future Expires header, the filename of the component must be altered each time the component changes. For instance, at Example Company, we incorporate this step into our build process by embedding a version number in the filenames, like example_1.2.5.css

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