Adjust the color of additional SVG paths upon hovering

I have the following code snippet.

.icon {stroke-width: 0; stroke: currentColor; fill: currentColor;}

a {color: red}
a:hover {color: pink}
a:hover circle {fill: green !important; color: orange}
a:hover path {fill: blue !important}
    <a href=""><svg class="icon team"><use xlink:href="#team"></use></svg></a>
<svg aria-hidden="true" style="position: absolute; width: 0; height: 0; overflow: hidden;" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
<symbol id="team" viewBox="0 0 123 123">
<circle fill="currentColor" cx="19.5" cy="12.2" r="12.1"/>
<path d="M6,66.699h1.2v24c0,3.301,2.7,6,6,6h12.6c3.3,0,6-2.699,6-6V89.3c-1.1-2.101-1.8-4.5-1.8-7v-31.4c0-6.1,3.7-11.4,9-13.7 v-2.4c0-3.3-2.7-6-6-6H6c-3.3,0-6,2.7-6,6v25.9C0,64,2.6,66.699,6,66.699z"/>
<circle fill="#ccc" cx="103.3" cy="12.2" r="12.1"/>
<path   fill="#000" d="M83.699,34.7v2.4c5.301,2.3,9,7.6,9,13.7v31.3c0,2.5-0.6,4.9-1.799,7v1.4c0,3.3,2.699,6,6,6h12.6c3.3,0,6-2.7,6-6v-24 h1.199c3.301,0,6-2.7,6-6V34.7c0-3.3-2.699-6-6-6h-27C86.4,28.7,83.699,31.399,83.699,34.7z"/>
<path   fill="#553" d="M39.1,50.899L39.1,50.899v9.8v21.6c0,3.3,2.7,6,6,6h2.3v28.3c0,3.3,2.7,6,6,6h16.1c3.3,0,6-2.7,6-6v-28.4h2.3 c3.3,0,6-2.699,6-6V60.7v-9.8l0,0c0-3.3-2.7-6-6-6H45.1C41.7,44.899,39.1,47.6,39.1,50.899z"/>
<circle fill="f00" cx="61.4" cy="26" r="13.9"/>

This SVG file contains multiple colored layers, and I would like to assign different colors to each layer upon hover.

I have tried various methods such as removing fill="..." in the HTML markup, eliminating the fill attribute, adding classes/IDs to the SVG layers, and setting color or fill properties in CSS.

However, I have not been successful in achieving the desired outcome. I am only able to change one color for all layers that lack the fill attribute or have fill="currentColor" in the HTML.

Any suggestions or ideas?
Thank you.

Answer №1

Perhaps utilizing CSS variables could help achieve the desired effect. While you may not be able to target elements within the use tag directly, you can leverage inheritance to convey certain values.

.icon {
  stroke-width: 0;
  stroke: currentColor;
  fill: currentColor;

a {
  color: red

a:hover {
  color: pink;
<a href=""><svg class="icon team"><use xlink:href="#team"></use></svg></a>

<svg aria-hidden="true" style="position: absolute; width: 0; height: 0; overflow: hidden;" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
<symbol id="team" viewBox="0 0 123 123">
<circle fill="currentColor" cx="19.5" cy="12.2" r="12.1"/>
<path d="M6,66.699h1.2v24c0,3.301,2.7,6,6,6h12.6c3.3,0,6-2.699,6-6V89.3c-1.1-2.101-1.8-4.5-1.8-7v-31.4c0-6.1,3.7-11.4,9-13.7 v-2.4c0-3.3-2.7-6-6-6H6c-3.3,0-6,2.7-6,6v25.9C0,64,2.6,66.699,6,66.699z"/>
<circle style="fill:var(--s1,#ccc)" cx="103.3" cy="12.2" r="12.1"/>
<path   style="fill:var(--p1,#000)" d="M83.699,34.7v2.4c5.301,2.3,9,7.6,9,13.7v31.3c0,2.5-0.6,4.9-1.799,7v1.4c0,3.3,2.699,6,6,6h12.6c3.3,0,6-2.7,6-6v-24 h1.199c3.301,0,6-2.7,6-6V34.7c0-3.3-2.699-6-6-6h-27C86.4,28.7,83.699,31.399,83.699,34.7z"/>
<path   style="fill:var(--p2,#553)" d="M39.1,50.899L39.1,50.899v9.8v21.6c0,3.3,2.7,6,6,6h2.3v28.3c0,3.3,2.7,6,6,6h16.1c3.3,0,6-2.7,6-6v-28.4h2.3 c3.3,0,6-2.699,6-6V60.7v-9.8l0,0c0-3.3-2.7-6-6-6H45.1C41.7,44.899,39.1,47.6,39.1,50.899z"/>
<circle style="fill:var(--s2,#f00)" cx="61.4" cy="26" r="13.9"/>

Answer №2

(The following answer is based on a different question that was marked as a duplicate, not the one above.)

In my approach to handling SVG markup, I pretended that <use> didn't create a barrier with shadow DOM and then eliminated the shadow DOM using this method:

  private removeSignalMeterShadowRoots(): void {
    const signalMeter = $('#signal-meter');
    const markup = signalMeter.html();
    const uses = $('use[href="#signal-meter"]');


The use of signal-meter as the id for a symbol allowed me to reuse it multiple times while easily applying CSS classes for styling without considering the presence of shadow DOM.

This code can also be modified to handle multiple symbols or all symbols automatically.

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