What is the best way to conceal the main list but still show the nested list within?

I'm looking for a way to conceal the main parent of a sub-list while still displaying the nested list. Furthermore, I need to ensure that the parent element doesn't occupy any space on the page when hidden.


    <li class="parent">Menu
        <ul class="nested">

CSS Attempt 1

.parent {
    display: none;
.nested {
    display: block;

Unfortunately, I couldn't make the nested items visible using this approach.

CSS Attempt 2

.parent {
    visibility: hidden;
.nested {
    visibility: visible;

Although the parent stayed hidden, it still occupied space on the page.

I wonder if there is a third alternative or if I will have to settle for using visibility and adjusting margins for the nested list?

A related question was posed on Stack Overflow how to hide parent div, keeping inner div visible? but I want to explore all possible options beyond those suggested (such as separating the elements) and utilizing visibility.

Answer №1

In the discussion above, @paulie_D pointed out that achieving this with CSS is impossible. However, you can use JavaScript to extract or duplicate the element and then display it. Take a look at the example below:

var element = jQuery('.nested').clone();
.parent {
  display: none;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
  <li class="parent">Menu
    <ul class="nested">

I am duplicating .nested using the jQuery .clone() function and adding it to the only visible item on the page, which is the <ul>. Feel free to add it to any other visible item on your page as desired.

Answer №2

When aiming to achieve a specific visual outcome, the method employed varies depending on the desired effect. In some cases, CSS can be utilized to position elements in such a way that the parent is off-screen while the child remains visible. Consider the following approach:

.container { position:absolute; top:-9999px;}
.child { position:absolute; top:9999px; }

Answer №3

Consider using a more efficient CSS method for a clean solution.

  1. Create a nested list structure within div elements
  2. Add style rules for UL elements
  3. Focus on styling the top-level UL only (div > ul {})
  4. Utilize a class like .active to toggle visibility of LIs

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