The unique design of the list extends beyond the boundary line

In my current project, I am utilizing next.js and MUI (material-ui). The component I am working with has the following structure:


One issue I am facing is that when the list is scrolled, the select style of the <ListItemButton> component goes outside of the component's rounded border.

I am looking for a way to apply border-radius to the <ListItemButton> component so that it looks natural even when scrolling occurs. Alternatively, are there any CSS tricks or solutions that could help with this problem?

Answer №1

To resolve the issue, you need to ensure that the wrapper has the CSS property overflow: hidden applied (MDN). This prevents the background color from bleeding out of the child li elements.

For a demonstration, refer to the example below:

.overflow {
  overflow: hidden;

.list {
  border: 1px solid grey;
  border-radius: 16px;

/* Misc */
.list li { padding: 4px }
.list li:nth-child(odd)  { background-color: cyan }
.list li:nth-child(even) { background-color: lime }

p { margin-bottom: 2px }

ul {
  list-style: none;
  padding: 0;
  margin: 0;
<p>This does <em>not</em> have <code>`overflow: hidden`</code> on the parent <code>ul</code>.</p>
<ul class="list">

<p>This <em>does</em> have <code>`overflow: hidden`</code> on the parent <code>ul</code>.</p>
<ul class="list overflow">

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