Flexbox layout to achieve equal height columns with content centered

In search of a solution to create two columns with equal height and center-aligned content within each column, while also maintaining different widths.

Issue: The challenge lies in achieving both 'equal height' and 'middle aligned' at the same time, as they seem contradictory.

Query: How can I structure a row with two columns of varying widths, equal heights, and centered content within each column?

<!-- Is it possible for 'middle aligned' and 'equal height' to coexist? -->
<div class="ui equal height center aligned grid">
    <div class="row">
        <div class="twelve wide purple column">
        <p>Text Text Text</p>
        <p>Text Text Text</p>
        <p>Text Text Text</p>
        <p>Text Text Text</p>
        <div class="four wide red column  middle aligned">
            <div class="row">Forward</div>



Answer №1

To achieve this specific layout, it is crucial to ensure that the primary flex container has equal heights applied to its items.

The next step involves making the individual flex items serve as nested flex containers, allowing for easy centering of content within each item.

By implementing these two levels of flex containers, the first level establishes equal height among the items while the second level handles content centering.

(Refer to the note below for further clarification on this technique.)

Here is an example tailored to your code structure:

body {
    height: 300px;             /* added for demonstration */
    color: white;

flex-container {
    display: flex;            /* main flex container */
    flex-direction: row;      /* horizontal alignment of items
                                          (default value; can be omitted) */
    align-items: stretch;     /* ensures equal heights among items
                                          (default value; can be omitted) */
    height: 100%;                

flex-item {
    display: flex;            /* nested flex container */
    flex-direction: column;   /* vertical alignment of items */
    justify-content: center;  /* vertically center items */
    align-items: center;      /* horizontally center items */

flex-item:first-child {
    flex: 3;                  /* consumes 3 times more space than sibling */
    background-color: #a333c8;

flex-item:last-child {
    flex: 1;
    background-color: #db2828;
    <flex-item><!-- also a flex container -->
        <p>Text Text Text</p>
        <p>Text Text Text</p>
        <p>Text Text Text</p>
        <p>Text Text Text</p>
    <flex-item><!-- also a flex container -->

Check out the jsFiddle demo here

Sometimes, people mistake a flex item and its content as one single entity, which is inaccurate.

When analyzing the HTML structure of a flex container, there are three distinct levels:

  • the container
  • the item
  • the content

Hence, the content within an item should not be equated to the item itself; instead, it should be viewed as a separate element.

In cases where the content inside an item consists of text, it essentially becomes an anonymous element.

As per the flexbox specifications:

Section 4. Flex Items

Every in-flow child within a flex container transforms into a flex item, and any continuous run of text directly enclosed within a flex container gets enveloped in an unknown flex item.

This is why, in the provided solution above, the flex item is configured to act as a flex container, facilitating the utilization of flex properties on its children (the contents).

Answer №2

Ensure your elements have a defined height

.height {
  height: 300px;
.row {
  height: 100%;
.row > div {
  height: 100%;

Check out the updated fiddle here

To center vertically, adjust the .row > div rule as follows:

.row > div {
  height: 100%;
  display: flex !important;
  flex-direction: column;
  justify-content: center;

See the changes in this updated fiddle

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