What could be the reason for the lack of CSS being applied to elements sharing the same class?

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

        background-color: black;

    <div class="city">
    <p class="city"><h2>Germany</h2></p>

I recently learned about using classes in HTML and I tried applying the same class to two elements, but for some reason the CSS styles are only being applied to one of them.

Answer №1

Due to the structure of HTML, p cannot contain h2.

It's recommended to inspect your browser's elements for a better understanding. The h2 element automatically closes the p element, resulting in the following rendered HTML:

<p class="city"></p>
<p class="city"></p><!-- the closing tag here is automatically added by the browser because the `<h2>` closes a parent `<p>` element -->
<!--the missing opening tag <p> is added by the browser's fault tolerance here --></p>

Answer №2

When it comes to the HTML structure and display:

<h2> shouldn't be nested inside <p> (You can directly use <h2>)

Display: (styling)

<h2> behaves as a block element

<p> behaves as an inline element

HTML structure: (output)


will be displayed as:

<p class="city"></p>


To see how HTML is rendered, right click on the element in your browser and choose Inspect (this is very helpful for debugging)


Learn more: How to correctly use an <h2> tag </h2> within a <p></p> within text?

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