Implementing an active class to an element based on the current URL using Jquery in Django

Is there a way to dynamically add an "active" class to an element based on the href?

This is what my template in Django looks like:

<div class="panel side-panel-1 category">
<h4 class="title1">Sections</h4>
<ul class="clear-list">
{% for section in sections %}
        <a href="/advert/adverts.aspx&sec{{ }}">{{ }}  ({{ section.advert_set.count }})</a>
{% endfor %}

The URLs will be generated using

For example:


In some cases, it may look like this:


Answer №1

Perhaps you could consider using the following code snippet:

class="{{ ? 'active' : '' }}"
. This will add the 'active' class if the exists.

<div class="panel side-panel-1 category">
<h4 class="title1">Sections</h4>
<ul class="clear-list">
{% for section in sections %}
    <li class="{{ ? 'active' : '' }}" >
        <a href="/advert/adverts.aspx&sec{{ }}">{{ }}  ({{ section.advert_set.count }})</a>
{% endfor %}

Answer №2

Within the file:

def display_adverts_by_section(request, advert_sec):
args = {}
args['adverts'] =  Advert.objects.filter(advert_section_id=advert_sec).order_by('-advert_date', '-id')
args['sections'] = AdvertSection.objects.all().order_by('-name')
args['categs'] = AdvertCategory.objects.all().order_by('-name')
args['current_section'] = AdvertSection.objects.get(id=advert_sec)
args['username'] = auth.get_user(request).username
args['reg_form'] = MyRegistrationForm()
return render_to_response('adverts_sec.html', args)

Then, in the template:

{% for section in sections %}
    <li class="{% if == %}
                {% else %}
                {% endif %}">
        <a href="/advert/adverts.aspx&sec{{ }}">{{ }}  ({{ section.advert_set.count }})</a>
{% endfor %}

If we have a "current_section", Django will compare it to the {{ }} and the matching one will be assigned the 'active' class.

A big thanks to everyone who contributed!

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