Ensure tables are vertically centered when printing an HTML page

I need to export two tables, each measuring 7cm×15cm, to a PDF file with A4 portrait paper size using the browser's "Save to PDF" option in the print tool.

My goal is to center these two tables vertically on the A4 paper. If that proves difficult, I would like them positioned at the same location on the page.

Currently, the tables are not placed exactly where I want them on the page (as shown in the image below).

The HTML code for the tables is as follows:

<!-- 1st table -->
<tr> <td>content of the first table</td>
<!-- additional tr's and td's -->
<!-- 2nd table -->
<tr> <td>content of the second table</td>
<!-- additional tr's and td's -->


Along with the following CSS rules:

table {width:7cm; height:15cm; border: 1px solid;
  page-break-after: always;
  margin: auto;
@media print {
  @page { size: A4 portrait; }

The page-break-after: always; rule tells the browser to insert a page break after each table.

The margin: auto; rule horizontally aligns the tables on the page.

I require both tables to be printed on the same paper for a two-sided printing setup.

Current Output:


Any assistance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

After some experimentation, I managed to come up with a solution that doesn't rely on javascript. Simply adjust your media settings for print like so:

@media print {
    body {margin-top:0 !important;}
  @page { size: A4 portrait; }


To ensure the tables are centered properly, you'll need to enclose them in a div wrapper as shown below:

    <!-- 1st table: -->
    <div class="page">
    <tr> <td>content of the first table</td>
    <!-- additional tr's and td's -->
    <!-- 2nd table: -->
    <div class="page">

    <tr> <td>content of the second table</td>
    <!-- additional tr's and td's -->

Lastly, don't forget to add these CSS rules for flex display:

@media print {
    body {margin-top:0 !important;}
      height: 100vh;
      width: 100vw;
      display: flex;
      align-items: center;
      justify-content: center;

  @page { 
    size: A4 portrait;

Following these steps should result in proper centering of your content.

Answer №2


Hey @tush, I totally agree with your suggestion in the comments. If we have the height measurements for both the element and the container (body), we can manually position them using margin: 6cm auto;. Take a look at the example below.


PDF file perfectly centered

[Code Snippet]:

table {width:7cm; height:15cm; border: 1px solid;
  page-break-after: always;
  margin: 6cm auto;
@media print {
  @page { size: A4 portrait; }
<!-- 1st table: -->
<tr> <td>content of the first table</td>
<!-- some other tr's and td's -->
<!-- 2nd table: -->
<tr> <td>content of the second table</td>
<!-- some other tr's and td's -->


Answer №3

Here is a potential solution that centers the objects perfectly using a simple addition of a transform trick within your provided HTML and CSS:

    <title>Two Centered Tables</title>
        table {
                width: 7cm;
                height: 15cm;
                border: 1px solid;
                page-break-after: always;
                margin: 50%;
                transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
                text-align: center;

        @media print {
                @page {
                        size: A4 portrait;


        <!-- 1st table: -->
                    <td>content of the first table</td>
                    <!-- some other tr's and td's -->
        <!-- 2nd table: -->
                    <td>content of the second table</td>
                    <!-- some other tr's and td's -->


Displayed in Chrome DevTools


Utilize ctrl/cmd-P to access the print dialogue easily.

By setting up two pages per sheet for demonstration, you can witness the precise alignment. During actual printing, revert back to one page per sheet (default). Opt for no margins (although auto will suffice); with background graphics and header not selected. https://i.stack.imgur.com/z9KAP.png

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Two Centered Tables</title>
        table {
                width: 7cm;
                height: 15cm;
                border: 1px solid;
                page-break-after: always;
                margin: 50% 50% 50% 50%;
                transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
                text-align: center;

        @media print {
                @page {
                        size: A4 portrait;

    <div style="display: grid;">
        <!-- 1st table: -->
                    <td>content of the first table</td>
                    <!-- some other tr's and td's -->
        <!-- 2nd table: -->
                    <td>content of the second table</td>
                    <!-- some other tr's and td's -->

Execute this code snippet, ensure to view in full screen (click "Full Page" after running → not "Extend snippet"), then proceed with printing as depicted here: https://i.stack.imgur.com/loic2.png Again, just for verification (showing 2 per page for alignment check): https://i.stack.imgur.com/nJJw9.png

If there were issues with the hard-coded dimensions in centimeters impacting the display on your monitor, it could be due to conflicting sizes based on different monitors. Anyone have insights on this?

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