The conditional CSS file does not have precedence over the regular CSS file

Currently, my approach involves using conditional comments to connect to a CSS file named "IEonly.css" if the Internet Explorer version is not greater than 8. My goal is to modify certain properties in the standard CSS file. Oddly enough, IEonly.css effectively establishes new CSS properties but fails to overwrite the properties in the regular CSS file!

(My target browser is IE7).

Please assist!

UPDATE: I tried adding an !important after the CSS style to see if it would make a difference. Unfortunately, it did not resolve the issue.

Answer №1

When working with numerous stylesheets, including ones that may be hidden using conditional comments for certain browsers, it is important to remember that the standard rules of the cascade will still be in effect.

Be cautious to ensure that your selectors are appropriately specific and that you correctly sequence the stylesheets when applying them.

Answer №2

When using the same selectors in both stylesheets, ensure that you place the conditional IE stylesheet after the regular one. If the IE sheet is not taking effect, consider writing more specific selectors.

#sidebar #nav li a { }

Instead of...

#nav li a { }


li a { }

Answer №3

Remember, utilizing the !important rule can be a helpful tool for overriding CSS styles. For more information, you can refer to the W3C documentation on this subject.

Answer №4

One possible solution is to rearrange the stylesheets so that they prioritize IE styles by default and then employ an if !IE conditional for overriding styles in "good browsers."

Answer №5

In my experience dealing with similar issues, it seems likely that there may be some problematic or missing characters hidden within your IEonly.css file. Finding these can be quite tricky, so I suggest the following steps:

  1. Try temporarily removing all CSS from IEonly.css except for the part that overrides the normal CSS. Test to see if this resolves the issue. If it does, gradually add back portions of the code until you pinpoint the problem.
  2. If the override doesn't work even when isolated in the file, double-check your selectors and specificity to ensure they are correct.

Additionally, you could refer to for more insights on troubleshooting CSS conflicts.

If possible, sharing some of the code with us would greatly aid in diagnosing the issue.

Answer №6

By adding a custom class to the specific element, I was able to target it in the IE-only stylesheet using the class selector, allowing me to apply different styles compared to the regular stylesheet. As a result, the styles from the IE-only stylesheet took precedence over the regular styles.

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