Tips for updating the value of the most recently created div in an ng-repeat loop

Within my HTML document, the following code is present:

<div ng-repeat="selection in selections" 


In my controller, I have implemented functions to update these values dynamically:

function calculateExpenditure(expenditure, budget){
    $scope.progress = (expenditure/budget) * 100;
    if(count !== 0){
        $scope.marginLeft += $scope.progress;

An unexpected issue arises each time the calculateExpenditure function is executed, where the properties of margin-left, width, and background-color get updated on previously set div elements.

I am seeking guidance on how to instruct Angular to update the scope variables associated with these properties exclusively in the last instance created by the ng-repeat. Is there a more suitable directive other than ng-repeat that should be utilized?

Your assistance on this matter would be greatly valued.

Answer №1

Utilize the $last unique attribute within the ng-repeat element

 <div ng-repeat="item in list track by $index"

To learn more about the $last feature, refer to the AngularJS ngRepeat API Reference.

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