Determining the height of a different element using only CSS, Stylus, or Nib

Looking to create a navigation bar using CSS


    Navigation content
<div id="mainContent">
    Main page content


nav {
    height: X%;
    min-height: Ypx;

#mainContent {
    margin-top: Z; // where Z represents the height of nav (X% or Ypx)

I understand that jQuery provides a solution, but I am currently focusing on mastering pure CSS. My plan is to move on to Stylus and Nib in Meteor.... So, I'm wondering if there is a CSS-centric approach available?

Is it possible to calculate element heights within the stylesheet, even if utilizing Stylus?

Answer №1

To begin with, determine the pixel height of the screen where min-height: Ypx; becomes effective.

If the screen height H is less than ((Y*100)/X) pixels then the min-height will default to the navbar height.

To implement this, specify the following rules:

#mainContent {
    margin-top: X%;

Additionally, add:

@media screen and (max-height: Hpx) {
#mainContent {
                 margin-top: Ypx;

The value of Hpx is equivalent to the previously calculated ((Y*100)/X) px.

In essence, the margin-top will usually be X%, but when the screen height dips below Hpx, activating the min-height condition, the @media rule comes into play, adjusting the margin-top to Ypx.

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