Preserve the original color of links in CSS by using the `a

Is it feasible to specify in CSS that a link should not change its color and instead use the default one?

For example:

If I have text displayed in red, and that text is also a hyperlink. Typically, when clicked on, the text would change to blue because it's a link. However, I want it to remain red.

Therefore, is there a universal style for 'a:link' that can be used to prevent any color changes?

Answer №1

Here's a suggestion for your stylesheet:

a:link {

Please keep in mind that you should find another way to distinguish links, as removing the underline might lead to confusion among users.

If inherit isn't supported by some browsers, you could simply repeat the original color definition for links.

For instance, if you want the important class to display in red:

.important {

.important a:link {

Duplicating all color declarations is not ideal. Perhaps JavaScript can be used to loop through each a element and assign the correct class explicitly. (I'm unable to test this on IE.)

Answer №2

To ensure that your a tags are styled correctly, consider placing them within a paragraph tag and setting their color to inherit. Alternatively, you can apply the same color as the paragraph tag to all a tags using a shared style. It is worth noting that some older versions of Internet Explorer (specifically IE7 and earlier) do not support the inherit property.

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