What can be done to eliminate the narrow gap between my <input> and <span> components?

Here is what I have:

<input style="width: 20px" data-ng-model="row.number" type="text" />
<span style="width: 20px">-</span>

Is there a way to eliminate the small gap between the <input> and <span>, as well as centering the "-" in the span element?

I am seeking an alternative method to keep them on separate lines, since my code editor automatically formats it back to multiple lines.

Answer №1

Typically, a span is considered an inline level element that takes into account the white space in the code.

There are several methods to eliminate this behavior, one of which is simply removing the space within the code:

<input style="width: 20px" data-ng-model="row.number" type="text" /><span style="width: 20px">-</span>

View example on jsFiddle

Another approach is to set the parent element's font-size to 0px

View example on jsFiddle

Alternatively, negative margins can be used to shift the white space. span { margin: -4px; }

View example on jsFiddle

Answer №2

Utilize the following techniques:

  • Add HTML comments between elements:

        --><input style="width: 20px" data-ng-model="row.number" type="text" /><!--
        --><span style="width: 20px">-</span><!--
  • Move the closing > to the next line:

        ><input style="width: 20px" data-ng-model="row.number" type="text"
        /><span style="width: 20px">-</span
  • Apply font-size:0 on the parent element (revert it for children if needed)

  • Use float:left (remember to clear it by adding an element with clear:both after floating elements)
  • In the future, consider using text-space-collapse: trim-inner. Note that this is not currently supported and the specification is still in draft form.

Answer №3

Consider implementing the join and break method:

<input style='width:20px;' data-ng-model='row.number' type='text' /><span

Take note of the line breaks inserted after opening tags. This approach helps maintain a balance between lengthy lines and unnecessary whitespace.

Answer №4

Ensure that the input element and span are placed on a single line within your html code

Answer №5

To ensure consistency, it is important to apply the same CSS properties to both the input element and the span element.

    float: left; /* Helps remove any gaps */
    line-height: 15px;  /* Centers by matching the height value */
    height: 15px;    /* Ensures equal height for both elements */
    border: 1px solid transparent;
    border-left-width: 0px; /* Removes left border to reduce spacing */

The reason for styling the span element with a border is because the input element already has a default border in place.

See the working example here


You can also utilize display: table-cell to achieve similar results:

input, span {
    display: table-cell;
    vertical-align: middle;
input {
    outline: none;
    padding: 0px;
    margin: 0px;
body { /* or parent element */
    display: table;

See the alternative example here

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