Enhance User Experience by Implementing Event Listeners for Changing Link Visibility Using mouseover and getElementsBy

I am new to JavaScript and struggling to find a solution.

Despite searching online for fixes, none of the solutions I've found seem to work for me. I have spent hours troubleshooting the issue but I must be missing something crucial. Can someone please help?

CSS: I have created a basic two-column div (out of 12 columns) with a CSS transition that increases its width from 2% to 15% on hover.

HTML: Inside the div, I have added some test links which are currently hidden using a CSS class.

JS: My goal is to use JavaScript to make these links visible when the mouse hovers over the div.


<div id="linkpopout" class="col-2 popout">
  <a href="www.bing.com" class="menulinks">Bing</a>
  <a href="www.yahoo.com" class="menulinks">Yahoo</a>
  <a href="www.google.com" class="menulinks">Google</a>      


.col-2 {width: 16.66%;}

.popout {
  transition:width 0.5s, height 0.5s;

.popout:hover {

.menulinks {


var linkpop = document.getElementById("linkpopout");
var popoutlinks = document.getElementsByClassName("menulinks");
linkpop.addEventListener("mouseover", makeVisible);
function makeVisible() {

In addition to trying

I also attempted to use opacity instead of visibility, but it had no effect.

Thank you.

Answer №1

Avoid the use of JavaScript.

.col-2 {width: 16.66%;}

.popout {
  transition:width 0.5s, height 0.5s;

.popout:hover {

.menulinks {

.popout:hover .menulinks {
  visibility: visible;
<div id="linkpopout" class="col-2 popout">
  <a href="www.bing.com" class="menulinks">Bing</a>
  <a href="www.yahoo.com" class="menulinks">Yahoo</a>
  <a href="www.google.com" class="menulinks">Google</a>      

Answer №2

If you'd like to change the visibility of links based on whether the menu is displayed or not, here's how you can achieve that:


var linkpop = document.getElementById("linkpopout");
var popoutlinks = document.getElementsByClassName("menulinks");
linkpop.addEventListener("mouseover", makeVisible);
linkpop.addEventListener("mouseout", makeVisible);

function makeVisible() {
  for (let i = 0; i < popoutlinks.length; i++) {

The 'toggle' method in 'classList' linked to an element will either add or remove the specified class from the element based on its current state. If the class exists, it will be removed; otherwise, it will be added. This method is particularly useful for menus that pop out like this one. The script loops through all elements, such as your menulinks, and toggles the class individually.

Create a class to toggle on and off with the default state corresponding to the class you desire for the element.


.menulinks { visibility:hidden; }
.vis { visibility:visible }

Answer №3

To iterate through the elements in the DOM:


This method retrieves an array-like object containing all child elements with specified class names. When used on the document object, it searches the entire document, including the root node. It can also be called on any element to fetch only elements that are descendants of the specified root element and have the given class names.

function makeVisible() {
  popoutlinks.forEach(function(e) {

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