Tips for sending data to CSS in Angular

I have an Angular application where I need to calculate the width of an element and store it in a variable called finalposition. Then, I want to move this element to the left by (finalposition)px when hovering over it. How can I achieve this styling effect only on hover?


 ngAfterViewChecked(): void {
    this.finalposition = document.getElementById('spandiv').offsetWidth;


  <input id="inputCustome" type="text">
  <p id="spandiv">xyzkskssss</p> 


#inputCustomer {
  text-align: center;
  position: relative;
  bottom: 7px;
  left: 2px;

#spandiv {
  position: absolute;
  top: 40px;
  background-color: #6B6664;
  padding: 5px;
  font-weight: normal;
  display: block;
  overflow: hidden;


 #inputCustomer:hover + #spandiv {
  position: absolute;
  left: var(--finalPosition*2)+ "px"; // this value is not getting picked up
  display: inline;


Answer №1

You have the option to utilize (mouseenter) and (mouseleave) events in order to manipulate the value of finalPosition.

Give it a shot:

<input id="inputCustome" type="text" (mouseenter)="finalPosition = finalPosition * 2" (mouseleave) ="finalPosition = finalPosition / 2">
<p id="spandiv" [style.left]="finalPosition + 'px'" >xyzkskssss</p>


<input id="inputCustome" type="text" (mouseenter)="finalPosition = finalPosition * 2" (mouseleave) ="finalPosition = finalPosition / 2">
<p id="spandiv" [ngStyle]="{'left': finalPosition + 'px'}" >xyzkskssss</p>

Check out the Demo

Answer №2

If you want to add some interactive features using Angular, one way is to utilize Angular directives. You can take advantage of Angular events such as mouseover and mouseenter. For instance:

<input id="inputCustom" type="text" (mouseover)="onMouseOver()">

Alternatively, you can implement a directive like so:

<div styleHover >Hover over me</div>

  selector: '[styleHover]'
export class StyleOnHover {

  constructor(private el: ElementRef) {}

  @HostListener('mouseover') onHover(e) {
    // => change the property

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