Displaying Edit and Delete options upon hovering over the data row

I'm working on a table that uses ng-repeat on the <tr> element. In the last column of each row, I have edit/delete links that should only be visible when the user hovers over the <tr> element.

<tr ng-repeat="form in allData | filter:search | orderBy: orderByValue : orderIn" ng-click="set_index($index)">
          <td><a ng-href={{form.link}}>{{form.ar_ref}}</a></td>
            <span ng-class="{'show_edit_link', $index==selected_index}">
              <button ng-click="showUpdate()">Update</button>
              <button ng-click="showDelete()">Delete</button>

This is what my JS Controller looks like:

pp.controller('formsListCtrl', ['$scope', '$http', function($scope, $http){


    //Show hover edit links
    $scope.selected_index = 0;
    $scope.set_index = function(i){ 
      $scope.selected_index = i;

Here's the CSS for displaying the hover edit links:

  display: inline;
  display: none;

Answer №1

Your ng-controller is causing a syntax error. The expression after the class name should be followed by a colon and you need to add another ng-class argument for selected_index not equal to $index:

<tr ng-repeat="form in allData | filter:search | orderBy: orderByValue : orderIn" ng-click="set_index($index)">
          <td><a ng-href={{form.link}}>{{form.ar_ref}}</a></td>
            <span ng-class="{'show_edit_link': $index==selected_index, 'edit_link': $index!=selected_index}">
              <button ng-click="showUpdate()">Update</button>
              <button ng-click="showDelete()">Delete</button>

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