Guide to making a vibrant "free-flowing" gradient using CSS

I'm looking to design a vibrant and dynamic CSS gradient background with multiple colors in a "free flow" style. The inspiration is an eye-catching image like this:

From my research, it seems that utilizing a background blend mode, such as screen, will be necessary for achieving the desired effect:

background-blend-mode: screen;

The gradient scheme I have in mind consists of five distinct colors:

A: #ecedee B: #fff0be C: #fbdce7 D: #e2fae1 E: #d3d5ed

Although I found a solution similar to the desired outcome called the "Spectrum background" in an informative blog post,

.spectrum-background {
        linear-gradient(red, transparent),
        linear-gradient(to top left, lime, transparent),
        linear-gradient(to top right, blue, transparent);
    background-blend-mode: screen;

I am uncertain about expanding on this concept by incorporating additional colors and arranging them precisely as illustrated in the attached image. Assistance in achieving this goal would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

If you want to enhance the design with more gradients and colors, keep in mind the challenge of using blend-mode: screen, as it tends to turn white where opaque colors overlap.

In my experience, working solely with gradients without blending can be more straightforward. Here is a snippet that I came up with to achieve a similar outcome:

.spectrum-background {
    width: 500px;
    height: 1000px;
        linear-gradient(150deg, #ecedee, transparent 30%),
        linear-gradient(330deg, rgb(210, 206, 242), transparent 30%),
        linear-gradient(225deg, #fff0be, #fbdce7, #e2fae1, powderblue);
<div class="spectrum-background"></div>

While not an exact match, this code provides a foundation for further customization.

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