Offspring element overrides styling of its parent

<table id="popBox">
    <td id="popBox_container" style="opacity:1"></td>

I have a table set opacity:0.8.

Inside of this table, one of td should have an opacity of 1.

Is there a way to set the opacity of this specific td differently?

Since there are 9 td elements in this table, I want to avoid creating a class like <td class='opacity'> for 8 elements.

Answer №1

The reasoning eludes me, but in case you intend to establish the opacity of the 5th td as 1 without the use of extra classes and ids, one potential approach is to utilize jQuery in the following manner:

$("td:eq(4)").css("opacity", "1");

Answer №2

If you want to target specific elements using CSS, you can utilize pseudo selectors such as :nth-child() or :nth-of-type()

Here is an example:

#container div:nth-child(3) {
     color: red;


To learn more about these pseudo selectors, check out this resource: here

Answer №3

To ensure that your td#popBox_container has an opacity of 1, simply include the following style declaration for this element right after setting the style for your table:

#popBox{width:100%; height:100%; 
        position:fixed; left:0; top:0; 
        background:black; opacity:0.8; 

#popBox #popBox_container{
   opacity: 1;

Answer №4

Opacity inheritance cannot be altered.

To achieve the desired effect, follow these steps:

#popBox td {
  opacity: 0.8;
#popBox #popBox_container {
  opacity: 1;
<table id="popBox">
    <td id="popBox_container">Unique</td>

View JSFiddle Here

Answer №5

When the opacity style is applied to the parent element, such as #popBox, it will be inherited by all of its children.

Answer №6

In CSS, the child element always inherits opacity from its parent. Opacity itself is not inherited; it's more of a post-rendering transformation.

Instead of using opacity, you can achieve a similar effect by using background-color with rgba.


  background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);
#popBox td{
  border:1px solid black;

#popBox td#popBox_container {
  background: rgba(255, 0, 0, 1);
<table id="popBox">
    <td>Your Content</td>
    <td>Your Content</td>
    <td>Your Content</td>
    <td>Your Content</td>
    <td id="popBox_container">Your Content</td>
    <td>Your Content</td>
    <td>Your Content</td>
    <td>Your Content</td>
    <td>Your Content</td>

Give it a try in fiddle

To target specific columns, you can use pseudo selectors like :nth-child(), :first, :last, and so on.

If you want to set opacity for the first column in the first table row, you can apply this CSS Class:

#popBox tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1) {
    background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 1);

Try it out in fiddle

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