Implementing a hamburger menu and social media sharing buttons on websites

Currently working on my personal website and delving into the world of Web Development, I have some inquiries for seasoned developers.

My first query revolves around incorporating a hamburger menu onto my site for easy navigation to other pages. After attempting to add various code snippets to my main HTML and CSS files without success, I am wondering if it would be best to create separate HTML/CSS/JS files specifically for the menu and then link them to the main files. Any insights or solutions would be greatly appreciated.

Here are a few examples that I've come across:

Secondly, I have encountered an issue with the share buttons on my website implemented through AddToAny. While the Twitter and WhatsApp buttons function smoothly, the Facebook button seems problematic (as seen in the 1st screenshot). The href code utilized is

. Could this problem be related to the fact that my website is not yet live?

In addition, I am aiming to make the buttons on my site smaller and more responsive (visible in the 2nd screenshot). Attempts using

style="font-size: .. ;"
have thus far proven unsuccessful.

Thank you for any assistance offered.


Answer №1

You have the option to consolidate all of your CSS styling within a single CSS file, eliminating the need to create multiple files.

Furthermore, it is not necessary for your website to be live in order to establish external links, such as linking to your Facebook page.

If you are experiencing difficulties, please share your code so that I can better assist you. There may be conflicting styles, such as those from the <body> tag, impacting your menu. When adjusting button sizes, consider using simple width and height properties. Sharing your code on can facilitate collaboration and troubleshooting efforts.

Note: Avoid inline styles in HTML and instead utilize your CSS file for cleaner and more manageable code in the long term.

To enlarge icons, adjust the height and width attributes accordingly:


.a2a_button_facebook, .a2a_button_twitter, .a2a_button_whatsapp {
/* demo height - modify as needed */
 width: 500px !important;

/* demo height - alter as required */
 height: 500px !important;

The use of !important may be necessary to override AddToAny's internal styling. The extensive code on linked codepens may make debugging challenging. Starting with basic HTML and CSS coding provides valuable learning experiences compared to relying heavily on pre-existing code snippets.

I have created a straightforward navigation bar example to help you begin:


      <li><a href="link 1">Link 1</a></li>
      <li><a href="link 2">Link 2</a></li>
      <li><a href="link 3">Link 3</a></li>
      <li><a href="link 4">Link 4</a></li>

It is crucial to use the <nav> element correctly when structuring a navigation bar.


.navbar {
  list-style-type: none;
  padding: 0;
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: row;
  width: 100%;

.navbar a {
  display: block;
  padding: 8px;
  background-color: #dddddd;
  width: 100px;

The .navbar a padding dictates spacing between elements, while width defines each element's size. Experiment with these values and reach out if you require further assistance!

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