What purpose does '& .MuiTextField-root' serve within the { makeStyles } function of Material UI?

I've been working on a React JS project using Material-UI and came across some interesting styling in my Form.js file. Here's a snippet of the code:

 import useStyles from './styles';
 const classes = useStyles();

<form autoCapitalize='off' noValidate className={`${classes.root} ${classes.form}`} onSubmit={handleSubmit}>  

Within styles.js, I found this intriguing piece of code:

export default makeStyles((theme) => ({
     root: {
     '& .MuiTextField-root': {
      margin: theme.spacing(1),
    form: {
    display: 'flex',
    flexWrap: 'wrap',
    justifyContent: 'center',


I'm puzzled by the usage of

     '& .MuiTextField-root': {
      margin: theme.spacing(1),

If anyone could shed light on this, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you!

When I use

margin: theme.spacing(1),

it doesn't provide adequate top and bottom margins. However, the former approach ensures consistent and generous spacing on all sides for textfields and buttons. Can someone explain why that is the case? Any insights would be welcome. Thanks!

See screenshots here --- FORM Image with '& .MuiTextField-root'

FORM Image Without '& .MuiTextField-root', using just root: {margin: theme.spacing(1)} only

Answer №1

If you have knowledge of SCSS, then using the child selector to write a class for form elements is considered a convention. In this case, the text fields are treated as children of the form, so they need to be accessed/written in a certain way.

The code snippet provided signifies that any child element with the class name MuiTextField-root will inherit the margin CSS rules specified within it. You can find more information about this concept in this documentation.

'& .MuiTextField-root': {
    margin: theme.spacing(1),

Answer №2

& .MuiTextField-root refers to all elements within the current element that have this specific class

Answer №3

Utilize the browser developer tools to pinpoint the exact slot for the component you wish to customize. This method can significantly streamline your workflow. MUI injects styles into the Document Object Model (DOM) based on class names that adhere to a straightforward pattern: [hash]-Mui[Component name]-[name of the slot].

⚠️ It's important to note that these class names cannot be utilized as CSS selectors due to their inherent instability. Nonetheless, MUI employs consistent global class names following this convention: Mui[Component name]-[name of the slot].

If you seek to override component styles using classes, take advantage of the className prop provided for each component. Moreover, for customizing specific parts within a component, leverage the global classes designated for each respective slot, as outlined in the preceding section.

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