Adjust the size of the font in accordance with the value of the span text

I am looking to adjust the font size based on the value within the span element.

The numbers in the class name may vary.

Issue: using text() retrieves all values (e.g. 50020)

I want to incorporate each() and $this in some way. How can I do this?

Thank you

<span class="emo_vote-1">50</span>
<span class="emo_vote-2">0</span>
<span class="emo_vote-3">20</span>


var voteNumberSpan = jQuery("span[class^=\"emo_vote\"]");
    var voteNumber = voteNumberSpan.text();
    if (voteNumber <= 30) {
    } else if(voteNumber == 50) {
    } else  {
    //I tried also:
    //voteNumberSpan.each(function (i) {
        //var voteNumber = voteNumberSpan.text();   
        //if (voteNumber < 30) {
        //} else if(voteNumber == 50) {
        //} else  {


Answer №1

Visit this link to see the code snippet in action.

    When the document is ready,
    for each element with a class starting with "emo_vote",
    get the text content and store it as voteNumber.
    If the vote number is less than or equal to 30, set the font size to 10px.
    If the vote number is 50, set the font size to 16px.
    Otherwise, set the font size to 24px.

Answer №2

Check out this code snippet:

This code snippet utilizes the each method and leverages the text value for determining size:

        $(this).css("fontSize", $(this).text() + "px")

Answer №3

If you have multiple class names for different span elements, it's a good idea to add a generic class name to group all relevant spans together. This way, you can easily target them with jQuery using a single selector. Here is an example of how you can achieve this:

jQuery('span.emo-vote').css('font-size', function(){
    var size = parseInt($(this).text(), 10);
    if (size <= 30) {
        return '10px';
    else if (size > 30 && size <= 50) {
        return '16px';
    else {
        return '24px';

Here is the corresponding HTML structure:

<span class="emo_vote-1 emo-vote">50</span>
<span class="emo_vote-2 emo-vote">0</span>
<span class="emo_vote-3 emo-vote">20</span>

You can view a demo of this code on JS Fiddle.

It's worth noting that you don't need to use the each() function in this case. The css() method can accept an anonymous function which will apply the style changes to each selected element individually.

For further information, you can refer to the following resource:

Answer №4

Follow this method:

  1. Specify the font size range: from 10px to 24px.
  2. Assign a rate to each span.

    <span class="emo_vote-1" data-i2="fontSize:[10,24],key:'k',rate:50" >50</span>
    <span class="emo_vote-2" data-i2="key:'k',rate:0" >0</span>
    <span class="emo_vote-3" data-i2="key:'k',rate:20">20</span>

View demo

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